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Meditation and the Law of Attraction
Mastering the Art of Manifestation Part 2
Here at the Wisdom of Gaia, we are avid adherents to meditation and how to use it to manifest using the law of attraction. Before we begin, I will refer to the universe. You can interchange this with whatever phrase you like, like Supreme Being, the Divine, or God.
Edgar Cayce said prayer is talking to God, and meditation is listening. It is often the case that when we think we are listening, we are either waiting for the person to stop talking so we can talk or thinking about our dinner, our job, or something completely random — hardly a receptive state to hear. Add to that, it is also human nature to filter everything. What we hear, what we smell, what we feel, and even what we see.
When I started to wear glasses in my teens, I remember the first time I realized I could see the leaves on the trees. For so long, they appeared blurred that I had forgotten what they looked like. We all do it. If you have teenage boys at home, you will realize they can easily filter out smells, and if you live near a busy road, you probably don’t hear the sound of traffic. Without these sensory filters, we would soon be overwhelmed by the input our body can receive.
When we meditate, we must let go of our filters and connect with the universe. As G.K…